
Cycling in Bang Khun Thian: Bangkok’s Secret Biking Paradise

Looking to escape the hustle and bustle of Bangkok for a day? Well, I’ve got the perfect suggestion – head to Bang Khun Thian for a leisurely bicycle ride along smooth paths shaded by leafy trees.

This hidden gem on the outskirts of Bangkok offers a peaceful getaway right in the city, with plenty of fresh air, refreshing sea breezes, and natural beauty. In this blog, I’ll share everything you need to know to plan the ideal cycling trip to Bang Khun Thian, from how to get there to tips for making the most of your ride. Let’s dive in!

Why Go Cycling in Bang Khun Thian?

Bang Khun Thian is somewhat of a local secret – it’s not on most tourist itineraries, making it a quieter alternative to more crowded attractions. Here are just a few of the reasons I love cycling in this seaside neighborhood:

  • Breathe fresh air surrounded by mangrove forests and sea views – Unlike in the middle of Bangkok, the air feels clean and rejuvenating here. As you cycle, you’re surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature.
  • Ride through shaded tree tunnels and over scenic bridges – Beautiful vegetation arches over parts of the route, keeping you cool. Photogenic wooden bridges let you pedal over the waterways.
  • Experience local fishing villages and small shops along the route – Get a glimpse of daily life as you pass by local homes and businesses. Grab a snack or cold drink at one of the small stands.
  • Capture stunning photos of seascapes, birdlife, and more – With mangrove forests, fishing boats, quaint bridges, and flocks of birds, you’ll find inspiration for Insta-worthy shots all around.
  • Suitable for all fitness levels – even new cyclists – The paved path is flat and smooth the entire way, so even beginners can handle the gentle ride.

If you need a break from Bangkok’s constant activity or just want a unique way to appreciate nature, cycling in Bang Khun Thian is just the change of pace you’re craving.

Cycling in Bang Khun Thian

Getting to Bang Khun Thian for Cycling

Bang Khun Thian is located in southwest Bangkok, right along the coast – so it’s just a short drive from the downtown area. Here are your transportation options:

  • By car or taxi: This is the most convenient way to reach Bang Khun Thian. Just plug the address into your maps app. It takes around 30-45 minutes from central Bangkok.
  • By bus: Take bus 140 from Victory Monument or bus 36 from BTS Wongwian Yai station. Get off at the Jongjit Intersection bus stop, then transfer to a motorcycle taxi or local truck (Song Taew) for the last stretch.
  • Group tours: Joining a cycling tour takes care of all the logistics for you. Tours start from 1,500 THB per person.

Once you arrive, free parking is available at the market stalls near the entrance to the cycling route. No need to worry about finding a spot for your car or bike.

Cycling in Bang Khun Thian bridge

Renting Your Bikes

You’ll find several bicycle rental shops right at the gateway to the Bang Khun Thian cycling path. Prices are very reasonable:

  • Basic bike: 30-40 THB
  • Electric bike: 80 THB
  • Tandem bike: 150 THB
  • Kid’s bike, helmet, and carrier: 100 THB

The friendly owners will take your ID card as a deposit until you return the bike. Feel free to test-ride a couple of different bikes to find the most comfortable fit. Don’t forget to adjust the seat height too.

And if you’re bringing your own bicycle, that works as well. The riding surface is a smooth concrete path suitable for road, hybrid, or even mountain bikes.

The Cycling Route Step-by-Step

Now you’ve got your wheels, so let’s overview what you can expect along the 8-kilometer roundtrip cycling route. I’ll point out some of the highlights and photo ops you’ll want to stop for.

Kilometer 1 – Tree Tunnel

Right from the start, you’ll be surrounded by nature as you pedal through the shaded “tree tunnel.” Lush greenery forms an arched canopy over the path, keeping you cool and blocking the sun.

Kilometer 2 – Fishing Community

After passing small local shops and houses, you’ll reach a fishing community. Peek into their daily life and see boats docked along the waterways.

Kilometer 3 – Learning Center

Stop into the Bang Khun Thian Mangrove Forest Learning Center to learn more about these unique ecosystems and their importance. Interactive exhibits bring the mangroves to life.

Halfway Point – Windmill Landmark

Keep an eye out for a picturesque red windmill around the halfway point. It’s a popular spot for photos against the backdrop of blue skies and green landscapes.

Bang Khun Thian windmill

Approaching the Sea Viewpoint

As you get closer to the coast, you’ll start to get glimpses of the sea through the trees. Listen for the sounds of lapping waves mixing with the calls of circling seabirds.

Sea Viewpoint

When you emerge from the mangrove forest, you’ll be greeted with panoramic views of the sea and horizon. Find a bench or shady spot to relax and soak it all in. A bamboo bridge leads out over the wetlands for even better views.

On the Return

Keep your eyes peeled for Brahminy kites and other bird species feeding around 5 PM as you make your way back. The cool breeze off the sea is refreshing on the return leg too.

The endpoint is around 4 kilometers out from the start – so in total, expect to cycle for 8 kilometers roundtrip if you do the full out-and-back route. Give yourself 2-3 hours to really enjoy the experience at a leisurely pace, including stops for photos and sightseeing.

Bang Khun Thian mangrove forest

Tips for An Enjoyable Ride

To make the most of your Bang Khun Thian bike trip, here are my top suggestions:

  • Wear sun protection like hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen – the tree cover provides shade but you’ll still be exposed at times.
  • Bring plenty of drinking water to stay hydrated, especially on hot days.
  • Visit early in the day to avoid crowds if you prefer a more peaceful experience.
  • Allow enough time to return your rental bike by the 6 PM closing time.
  • Stop for snacks/drinks if needed, as there are no vendors directly along the path.
  • Make use of bike baskets or wear a backpack to carry your belongings.
  • Bring your camera – the scenery is gorgeous and ever-changing.
  • Go slow and watch for wildlife like monkeys and birds.

With these tips in mind, you’re sure to have a fun, comfortable, and refreshing cycling adventure in Bang Khun Thian. The natural beauty of the tree tunnels, mangroves, villages, bridges, and seascapes never gets old!

Experience Bangkok’s Nature at Bang Khun Thian

In the midst of Bangkok’s urban sprawl, Bang Khun Thian remains an oasis of natural beauty and tranquility. Its shaded bicycle paths views over mangrove forests, and access to the sea provide a serene environment to get your blood pumping.

Breathing deep inhales of fresh air untainted by traffic or pollution leaves you feeling rejuvenated. Being surrounded by sights like fishing boats, swaying palms, and soaring Brahminy kites is a welcome change from skyscrapers and bumper-to-bumper vehicles.

So next time you need a break from the big city but don’t have time to leave town, Bang Khun Thian is the perfect escape. Just an hour’s drive and a short pedal away, some of Thailand’s most beautiful landscapes await your discovery.

FAQs: Cycling Trip To Bang Khun Thian

Where is Bang Khun Thian located?

Bang Khun Thian is in southwest Bangkok, around 30-45 minutes from downtown by car or taxi. It lies along the coast of the Gulf of Thailand.

How can I get to Bang Khun Thian?

The most convenient options are driving yourself, taking a taxi, joining a group tour, or taking the bus and then transferring to a local motorcycle taxi.

What is there to see along the cycling route?

Highlights include mangrove forests, fishing villages, scenic wooden bridges, a red windmill, sea views, and plenty of birdlife like Brahminy kites.

How much does it cost to rent a bicycle?

Bike rentals start at 30 THB for standard models, 80 THB for electric bikes, and 150 THB for tandems. Kids’ bikes are 100 THB.

What should I bring on my cycling trip?

Bring sun protection, drinking water, a backpack or basket for belongings, and a camera to capture the scenic views.

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